Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beauty In The World

I have noticed there are so many people who go through life, and never EXPERIENCE life. Life surrounds us. In the trees, birds of the sky, flowers, clouds and rain(or snow). It even surrounds us in art, music, culture and books. It took the creativity of a human life to create the music we hear, the art we appreciate, and the cultures that make the world what it is. There really is beauty in the world. Sure, there are PEOPLE who are a mess, but this world is still beautiful. There is beauty in all things, if we just take the time to look for it. I have let certain circumstances the past couple years, along with the influences of others, cloud my view of the beauty that this world has to offer. It sounds cliche, but we are here only a short time. I know that more than I care to. So, I am making this a pledge to myself. A pledge to stop letting the negativity of others and the negativity of circumstances, cloud my view of the beauty that is LIFE.

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