Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mirror mirror, Who the $!@# am I?

I call myself a writer, but when it comes down to it, I have become lazy. I used to put pen to paper and write for hours. But in this new age of technology, it is easy to go on Facebook, check a few things, and go on our way. Well, from this day forward, I have challenged myself to write daily. About anything and everything. Yes, some things I may say won't mean anything, or even make sense. But, they will be reflections. Reflections of who I have been, who I am now, and who I am to become. Life is change. It's inevitable. So, as short and somewhat sweet as this first blog may be, at least it's a start. A start to finding out who I was, who I am, and who I am going to become. Now, I ask a favor, dear readers. If you see that I have become lazy, and I'm not posting daily, I ask you to please give me a swift kick to restart my passion for writing. We all become lazy at times. Some days I won't want to do this, but I have to. I guess you're wondering more about me? Well, I am 35 years old. I grew up in a small river town in Kentucky. I had the Mayberry childhood, so to speak. I am the youngest of my family. I have lots of neices and nephews. Including a great nephew and a great neice that is on her way into this world. I live with my parents, who have been married 41 years, still in love. And crazy as ever, but more on that in later posts. I am the parent of a four legged, furry nut named Lucy. She is the light of my life. There will be more on her in future blogs too, I'm sure. Other than that there isn't much to say. I hope you will continue to come back to my blog, to see old reflections of me, as well as new ones.

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