Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Snow...Not Quite

Every year around late November, early December, we receive what some call, "The first snow of the year so far". It's happening as I write this post. On the street, on the news, even in my own house, you can hear the mumblings of "I hate when it gets cold every year!". How easily we forget the first four months of the year! I have seen it snow here in late April. But every late fall/early winter, it's like everyone goes into shock when it snows. Myself, I love the snow. I love cold weather. I hate being hot. Which is odd considering I am an August baby, and ahfire sign(More on that in another post). I heard on the news that tomorrow when we wake up the snow will cover our cars, but won't stick to the ground because it is still too warm. There's something magical about snow. It glistens in the sun like diamonds. It can be freezing cold, but the beauty of the falling snow, the sun shining down on the white ground with the blue sky above, makes winter seem so magical. For me, it feels as if there is something awakening in me that is dormant the rest of the year. It's hard to explain. When most want to hide in their houses and not go anywhere(Like my mother), I wake up on a cold winter's morn ready to go out and conquer the world. If only I could feel I can conquer the world the rest of the year. Maybe with this blog, my conquering spirit will awaken once again and I won't have to wait for the first signs of winter to feel alive.

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