Saturday, November 26, 2011

So I Lied

So the statement that I was going to do this blog daily, turned out to be a big fat failure. It was a holiday, and I gave my opinion on that. But Friday, well I had dialysis, got out about 10 a.m., went straight to Petsmart and got a bearded dragon for myself for Christmas. I always appreciate my own thoughtfulness LOL. It's not that I don't love my Lucy anymore, mind you. I adore her. I had this 20 gallon tank sitting in my room empty. I hated having mollies. Number one, they stink, and two, they breed indiscriminately. I saw some pics of bearded dragons, and fell in love. And as luck would have it, they were on sale on Black Friday. So, I stimulated the eoconmy. Who could blame me. I couldn't think of a name, so I put  a poll on Facebook. I went with my two favorites. Therefore, I now have a bearded dragon named: Bernie Puff. Bernie, because I liked the name, and Puff. Mostly because I am, after all, a child of the 80s. So that, dear readers is my rambling of the day. I shall post pics of Lucy and Bernie Puff at later times, if I get a following. Speaking of a following, is anyone out there? Anyone??

1 comment:

  1. I'm heeeeeeeeeere! You probably won't get much of an answer from anyone. I rarely do.
